token:There are lots of ways to get tokens. Kill monsters, Sell fish to the Fishman or own a shrine and put it in STATIC Mode to generate 1 token every 10min. token2:Press the "Make STATIC for 10 more min" Button to set your shrine to static mode and generate tokens. camera:Right click to move the camera. The mouse wheel zooms in and out. the Tab key toggles first person mode. look around you. inv:Press F4 or the Inventory button to open the Inventory. Items can be moved by drag and drop. safe:You cant hurt people in Safe Castle. mode:See the bar on the top right? that tells information about the Cell your in. Normal Cells switch between 30min of BUILD and 5min of STATIC Mode take:To capture a Cell it needs to be in STATIC Mode. Stand inside the shrine and attack until the shrine stops shaking, then its yours. build:To build you need to own a cell or use the Public one. hat:To get ticket items talk to the Robot in the Arcade. Its the blue building with the red roof. sword:press E to hold a weapon, F to use it when its in your hand. bomb:to use a bomb, hold it in your hand with E. Light it with F. Then drag and drop it from your inventory to put it on the ground... and run away. Bombs delete blocks when a cell is in STATIC Mode. block:Drag and Drop Block Icons from the Bucket to something in the Cell to start block placement. Ctrl + Click on a block to move it. Moving a block into the bucket or Ctrl + X Click destroys it. destroys it. Alt + Click on a block to rotate it. block2: Ctrl + C Click copys a block. Ctrl + Alt + Click on a block to bring up the Block menu. Shift Cancels moving a block. tele:You can teleport back to safe castle with the console command SAFE, and to your home shrine with HOME. guide:use console command GUIDE to bring up the starting guide... everything you need to know is in there. Also check the wiki for more info. Any thing else, ask on the radio :D star:Stars will be for ship fuel. buy:Drop tokens onto machines to use them. It will automaticly put the full amount in. color:You can change your colors by standing in a shrine you own, or a shrine in Safe Castle, and clicking the "Set Colors" in the shrine menu. ticket:You can buy tickets on the website. Nothing you buy with tickets gives any kind of advantage in gameplay. power:You can only have one powerup at a time, they last untill you die.